I often get asked when downsizing or decluttering, where do I start and how do I know what to keep vs. what to get rid of? 

Where To Start? I often tell my clients to start in the area that will give you the biggest relief when completed! If that seems too overwhelming, you can pick a drawer (a sock drawer, a junk drawer, etc.) 

Just start somewhere!

What to keep vs what to get rid of? The answer is to ask yourself some simple questions and think of your “future self.” 

1.   "Do I Use or Need This Item Regularly?" Assessing the practicality and frequency of use can help prioritize what to keep and what to let go of during downsizing or decluttering.  How many times have you used the item in the past 12 months?  If you have rarely used it or haven’t used it in the past 12 months, there’s a good chance that you can part with the item.

2.   "Does This Item Hold Significant Sentimental Value?" Sentimental items often carry emotional weight, but it's important to consider if they align with your current lifestyle and space constraints. If you have limited space, consider donating the item or giving it to another family member. Another option is to take a picture of the item and get rid of the physical item. Keep only those items that are the most meaningful.

3.   "Can I Easily Replace or Buy This Item If Needed in The Future?" Some items may be readily available or easily replaceable if required again in the future, allowing you to declutter with confidence. Many people hold onto things because “they might need it someday.” You can also ask yourself, if you lost it in a fire, “would you buy it again”?

4.   Is This a Duplicate Item?  It seems like it would be easy to get rid of duplicates, but what about when that one breaks? What will I do then? That little voice may be saying to shove everything back in the drawer and keep a few extras just to be safe. If you want to declutter quickly, get started by ditching the duplicate items and you will create instant space. There is surprising power in owning just one!

5.   "Will Keeping This Item Support My Future Goals" and "Will It Contribute Positively to My Life?" Evaluating the emotional impact of possessions can guide decisions during the decluttering process. I believe when we keep things that we do not need or love, we are wasting our time.  Consider whether holding onto certain items aligns with your long-term plans and aspirations. Downsizing can be an opportunity to streamline your belongings in alignment with your future vision.

I want our focus to not be on “stuff,” but rather on the things that really matter! I want us to be happy and not controlled by stuff and that means, there is no room for clutter!

Tricia Thomas

I am extremely passionate about helping others and seeing the positive impact our work is having on our clients’ lives is incredibly rewarding and these are the moments that fuel my passion! I am committed to staying up to date with the latest organizing and decluttering techniques to bring you the resources needed to complete your goals and ambitions! Our team will strive to bring comfort to each and every client and treat you like family.

I specialize in supporting clients through life transitions, working alongside them to navigate changes and achieve their goals with empathy and expertise. I am happy to bring my expertise and my life coaching skills in any situation to make a client feel more joy and have hope that they are not alone.


Preparing For A Move
